international translation day

Happy International Translation Day

translation company in ft lauderdale

Happy International Translation Day from the team at CSH Translation! Today is a day to celebrate language professionals around the world. The jobs of translators and interpreters are often behind the scenes, but their unique skill set and passion moves the world in more ways than one.

Translators are necessary for almost every industry imaginable: legal translations, financial translations, legal translations, agriculture translations, marketing translations, medical translations, travel translations, banking translations, etc. In fact, most people interact with a translation every day without even realizing it. Those who watch Netflix, for example, will probably come across a show or movie from another country that has been translated so that they can understand it in their native language. Additionally, the instructions of most household products and cosmetics have been translated into at least one other language, commonly Spanish or French in the United States. Airports will also have signage in multiple language to assist travelers from around the world. In short, translation helps people make sense of their surroundings and communicate with others. It serves as a bridge to connect people from many different backgrounds and cultures.

The translation industry requires precision to provide accurate, reliable translations that can be understood by all who encounter them. For assistance with a translation project or a free quote, please contact us at