CSH Translation Attends Consular Corps Luncheon

CSH Translation Attends Consular Corps Luncheon

Last week, our founder, Carolina, had the honor of attending the Consular Corps luncheon in Coral Gables, Florida.

Gratitude this Holiday Season

Gratitude this Holiday Season

This holiday season, we are grateful for another year sharing our passion for languages with our wonderful clients.

Translations for Foreign Embassies

Translations for Foreign Embassies

When dealing with a foreign embassy, it is possible that document translation will be required. All embassies are different, and translation requirements can differ by state.

CSH Translation Nominated as Best Translation Company 2021

CSH Translation Nominated as Best Translation Company 2021

For the fifth year in a row, CSH Translation has been nominated as the Best Foreign Language Translation Provider in South Florida by the Daily Business Review.

What is a USCIS Certified Translation?

What is a USCIS Certified Translation?

Whether you are immigrating to the United States or seeking a green card or a work permit, you will become familiar with the USCIS.

Preventing Injuries as a Translator

Preventing Injuries as a Translator

You might be wondering: “What does translation have to do with injuries?” Translation certainly isn’t a sport, although I suppose you could consider it that at times; long hours, extreme focus and proper nutrition are all important to perform your best.

CSH Translation Awarded #1 Translation Company in South Florida

CSH Translation Awarded #1 Translation Company in South Florida

We are thrilled to announce that for the second year in a row, CSH Translation has been named the top translation company in South Florida.

What is a Certified Translation?

What is a Certified Translation?

We receive many questions about certified translations. Depending on the country you live in, there may be different requirements for what constitutes a “certified translation.”

CSH Translation Nominated as Best Translation Company 2020

CSH Translation Nominated as Best Translation Company 2020

For the fourth year in a row, CSH Translation has been nominated as the Best Foreign Language Translation Provider in South Florida by the Daily Business Review.

How to Learn (or Practice) a Language During the Pandemic

How to Learn (or Practice) a Language During the Pandemic

During COVID times, some of us may have more time on our hands than usual. Quarantine measures have relegated many of us to staying home, leading to cabin fever in many cases. It’s no secret that this pandemic is affecting people on so many different levels–physically, emotionally and financially.

Daily Business Reviews' "Best of" Results for 2019!

Daily Business Reviews' "Best of" Results for 2019!

The results are in for the Daily Business Reviews’ “Best of” awards 2019. Once again, we are honored to have made the list of nominees, and this year, we reached the top! It was our first year winning first place, and we hope it will be the start of many more.