Different Types of Translation

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Translation is truly an art form. Taking words from one language and reworking them so they follow grammar rules and are culturally relevant in another is no easy task; it requires experience and skill. There are different types of translations and many factors that will determine the type needed, such as target audience and subject matter. In today’s blog post, you will learn about different types of translations and why it is important to work with a professional for the best outcome.

When translating a document, it is important to understand the type of translation needed prior to entrusting it with a translation company. This will ensure a smooth working process. Technical documents, such as bank statements and medical records, require a translation that follows the original document closely and have little room for creativity. A marketing translation, however, may contain humor, metaphors or other nuances of language. This type of translation will require a more creative approach to ensure the final product is culturally appropriate and still gets the same message across as the original.

All translations, however, will require some degree of localization. Localization is the process of adapting the translation to the target audience. For example, a document translated from English to Spanish will likely require adapting the number and date formats, among other items, for a Spanish-speaking audience. 

Regardless of the type of translation required, it is important to work with professionals who understand language and its many rules and particularities. They will also be able to advise you on what type of translation is best, depending on your goals.

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