Translation vs. Proofreading: Which is Right for your Business?

Translation and proofreading are two common services in the language services industry. When translating a document from scratch, both steps are involved, as well as a third quality check step. However, sometimes texts are not translated from another language and simply need to be checked for grammar, spelling and other issues. In those cases, only proofreading is employed. Below, we will discuss the key differences between these two steps and when each one is useful.


Translation is the process of translating words or text from one language into another. This is the simple definition. However, the translation process is much more complex than simply converting words in one language to another language. It involves approaching the text in a nuanced way to ensure cultural contexts are preserved, as well as using proper terminology for the target audience. Literal translations can cause readability issues for the audience and a text that sounds unnatural. Especially in the case of marketing, it is necessary to adapt the text so that it is appealing to the target audience. Most metaphors, puns and expressions are not able to be translated literally, as they will not make sense. To learn about different types of translations, click here.


Proofreading is the editing of a text to ensure there are no errors before finalizing it. This includes checking for grammatical errors, typos, spelling mistakes, syntax and overall readability. In short, the text gets a thorough cleaning before it is completed. This step is always part of the translation process. However, sometimes texts are not always translations and just require a proofreading to ensure there are no mistakes.

At CSH Translation, we also proofread texts that are previously translated, even if we do not perform the translation step. This can be a way to verify accuracy or simply get a third-party opinion about a text. Upon receiving a text, we will check the quality to ensure a proofreading will be sufficient. In some cases, texts will have to be retranslated if the quality is insufficient. Proofreading is an important step to ensure the text is free of errors, which could prove costly to any business.

If you have any questions about translation, proofreading or any other topics, please contact us. We would be happy to assist you.