Happy International Translation Day

Happy International Translation Day

September 30 is International Translation Day, and we would like to celebrate all language professionals and enthusiasts around the world. Translators and interpreters are necessary in today’s rapidly globalizing world.

Sworn Translations for the Spanish Consulate

Sworn Translations for the Spanish Consulate

The Embassy of Spain in the United States is located in Washington, D.C. Like the Spanish Embassy, the Spanish Consulates handle many different processes for Spanish citizens and non-citizens.

Translations for the Colombian Embassy in the United States

Translations for the Colombian Embassy in the United States

The Embassy of Colombia in the United States is located in Washington, D.C. The Embassy handles many different processes for Colombian citizens and non-citizens.

Certified Translations for Law Firms

Certified Translations for Law Firms

Law firms often work with international clients and cases and must translate documents to English so that they can be used in a court of law in the United States. In order to do so, the translations must be certified.

The Importance of Kyrgyz Translation Services

The Importance of Kyrgyz Translation Services

Kyrgyz is the official language of Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyzstan, officially the Kyrgyz Republic, is a country located in Central Asia bordered by Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and China.

Brazilian Portuguese Translations vs. European Portuguese Translations

Brazilian Portuguese Translations vs. European Portuguese Translations

Portuguese is the official language of nine countries and one territory, including Brazil, Portugal, Cape Verde and Mozambique. According to the  27th edition of Ethnologue published in 2024, it is the sixth most spoken language in the world, with 236 million native speakers.

Bengali Translation Services

Bengali Translation Services

Bengali, also known as Bangla, is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in northeastern India and Bangladesh. It has over 200 million native speakers, which makes it the fifth most spoken language in the world.

CSH Translation Nominated to "Best Of" Awards in South Florida 2024

CSH Translation Nominated to "Best Of" Awards in South Florida 2024

For the eighth year in a row, CSH Translation has been nominated as the Best Foreign Language Translation Provider in South Florida by the Daily Business Review. The “Best Of” awards nominate the top businesses in South Florida in the legal, real estate and banking industries.

Translating Economic Reports

Translating Economic Reports

Companies often translate economic reports to provide their customers with updates on the current environment. These economic reports can include information such as current events at the domestic and international levels, political events and a plethora of other economic data.

Hindi to English Translation Services

Hindi to English Translation Services

India is a country with a rich linguistic tradition. There are 22 official languages recognized in the constitution, with over 100 spoken in the country.

USCIS Translation Requirements

USCIS Translation Requirements

The United States Citizen and Immigration Services, or as it is commonly referred to, the USCIS, requires all documents in a foreign language to be translated to English.

The Importance of Ukrainian Translation Services

The Importance of Ukrainian Translation Services

Ukrainian is the official language of Ukraine. This East Slavic language has an estimated 41 million native speakers around the world.

What is an Apostille?

apostille translation services

Typically, documents submitted to foreign consulates or embassies must be accompanied by an apostille. So, what exactly is an apostille and how can you obtain one? In this article, we will explain what this document is, how it is used and how to obtain one.

An apostille certifies a document so that countries that are part of the 1961 Hague Convention will recognize it. The Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents is an international treaty intended to simplify the process for accepting foreign documents in any of the countries that are part of the treaty. For example, a document issued in the US that is accompanied by an apostille can be submitted in any other member country and legally recognized there.

An apostille is often attached to official documents, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates or death certificates. Essentially, an apostille authenticates signatures or stamps on the original document. However, in order to be accepted, the apostille must be translated in most cases. Translating an apostille is a simple process that can be done quickly.

Apostilles can only be issued by an official government body, and not a translation company. They must be requested in the country or state in which the document was issued. For example, a Florida birth certificate must receive an apostille from the State of Florida. In the United States, apostilles are issued by a Secretary of State. If the original document is from a foreign country, it will be necessary to get the apostille from the foreign country in which the document was issued.

At CSH Translation, we can assist you with translating an apostille and any other document. For questions, please contact us.

The Importance of Russian Translation Services

перевод с русского на английский в майами

Russian is an official language in four countries, including Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia. It is also widely spoken in several other countries. Additionally, it is the seventh-most spoken language in the world by number of native speakers. Russian language is undoubtedly a commonly spoken language around the world, and it is important to understand the nuances to provide accurate Russian translations.

Russian language uses a different alphabet than English, known as Cyrillic. Additionally, the grammar and pronunciation are very different from English. As a result, it is important to ensure you hire a professional who is fully fluent in both English and Russian in order to perform a correct translation.

Common documents translated from Russian to English include birth certificates, vaccination records, passports and marriage certificates. When applying for a US visa or any US immigration process, it is necessary to translate Russian documents to English. Furthermore, when purchasing real estate in the United States, it is usually necessary to translate documents to English. At CSH Translation, we are accustomed to working with Russian language documents and will be happy to assist you with any Russian language request you may have. Additionally, we provide translation in other Slavic languages, such as Ukrainian, Polish and Belarusian. To view our Russian language site, please click here.

Questions? Contact us here.

Notarized Translations

Notarized Translations

Notarization is an important step in authenticating documents. However, it is also a step that raises many questions.

The Importance of German Language Translations

The Importance of German Language Translations

German is an official language in six countries, including Austria, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Lichtenstein and Switzerland.

Translation vs. Proofreading: Which is Right for your Business?

Translation vs. Proofreading: Which is Right for your Business?

Translation and proofreading are two common services in the language services industry. When translating a document from scratch, both steps are involved, as well as a third quality check step.

Translation Requirements for Visa Applications

Translation Requirements for Visa Applications

Summer travel is just around the corner, and it is important to always check visa requirements for travel destinations well in advance of your departure.

Is Artificial Intelligence Translation Right for your Business?

Is Artificial Intelligence Translation Right for your Business?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a popular topic of conversation lately. From biotechnology to banking, many industries have found uses for it. The translation industry is no stranger to AI technology either, and many language service providers have started offering AI translation services.

The Importance of Legal Translations

The Importance of Legal Translations

Legal translation services are needed every day in a variety of sectors, including real estate, law enforcement, financial services, and more. Legal cases often involve foreign companies or individuals and thus, documents in a foreign language.